January was an exciting month for Post 68. We completed a very successful
Wreaths Across America program during December (thanks to Rob Penwell) along with our Post Holiday Party.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Solomon Smith – North Brunswick High School and JRTOC member who was the winner of our 2022 Oratorical contest held earlier this January. Solomon gave his speech on the Constitution to Post membership. He was thanked by Post Commander John Hacker. Solomon will be attending the District 9 Oratorical contest on January 29th at St James Community Center.

The Post was also honored by the presentation of 2 generous donations. First, Debbie Pyle of Brunswick Forest presented a check for $292.50 to the post from proceeds from candy sales she does during the Holidays with proceeds going to a charitable organization.
Next, Bob Page switched his hat from American Legion to Patriot Guard Riders and presented the Post with a check for $500 to be used in support of Veterans and Legion Riders. (photo is featured image. Commander Hacker (L) receives check from Bob Page (R))
This meeting was a combination Zoom and in-person with 32 people at Blossoms and 5 on Zoom.