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John E. Jacobs American Legion Post 68 hosts 2023 Oratorical Contest at North Brunswick High School

Post 68 Oratorical contest
Contest winner Connor Rohlf receives 1st place certificate from Post 68 Commander John Hacker with Post Adjutant Daniel Dodge

Post member and past commander Dale Todd once again led our youth Oratorical contest with students from North Brunswick High School competing for scholarship prize money.

This annual Oratorical Contest is conducted as part of the American Legion National Youth Oratorical program. The event consists of high school students delivering prepared speeches on any aspect of the U.S. Constitution and the responsibilities of citizens regarding that aspect of the Constitution. Each student also delivers a short speech on one of four predefined parts of the Constitution. The specific part to be addressed is randomly drawn during the contest. The purpose of the event is to promote understanding of the Constitution and help develop public speaking skills for students.

Many thanks for the support of our Post volunteers, our NBHS contacts, and the students who participated, we had another successful event. Our winner was Connor Rohlf, an 11th grader at NBHS. Connor will be participating in the District 9 Oratorical Contest on Saturday, Jan 14th.   Winners received scholarship prizes of $500 for 1st place and $300 for 2nd.

cover photo: (L-R) NBHS student and contest winner Connor Rohlf receiving 1st place certificate from Post 68 Commander John Hacker with Post 68 Adjutant Daniel Dodge

Post 68 Oratorical Contest
Post 68 Oratorical 2nd place winner Angel Webber receives certificate from Post 68 Commander John Hacker with event organizer and past Post Commander Dale Todd
Post 68 Oratorical Contest
Contest winner Connor Rohlf receives winning scholarship prize from Post 68 commander John Hacker