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Wilmington Elderhaus Tour and Support

On January 6th, Post 68 Commander John Hacker along with Service Officer Lane Adrian and Judge Advocate Alan Simmons traveled to the new Elderhaus facility in Wilmington, NC where they were given a tour of the building by Joe Maker.  Commander Hacker and Mr. Maker also made plans for a flag ceremony to take place on Feb 17th along with a discussion and presentation regarding Disaster relief from the American Red Cross of Wilmington.

cover photo:  Post 68 Commander John Hacker poses with Elderhaus director Joe Maker.

Commander Hacker also informed Elderhaus on the importance of having lights shining on the on American flag at night, which they were not aware of.

Elderhaus services ALL of Brunswick County.

The Post 68 team also went on to a GREET and MEET at Brunswick Community Center to meet with Seniors there.  A new program will start in April where Post 68 will set up a table in the lunch dining area from 11:30 to 12:30 to gain more visibility among seniors there and provide information.