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Local Navy Seabee Veterans Announce Memorial Dedication May 11

The Navy Seabee Veterans of America, Island X5 of the Cape Fear Region, as well as Mayor Bill Saffo, invite all to join them in the dedication of a Seabee Memorial at the Wilmington National Cemetery, 2011 Market St., at 2:00PM on May 11.

The Navy Seabees (short for Construction Battalions) were founded 80 years ago in the dark days of WWII to provide the combat-ready skilled construction trades to build the overseas bases, airfields, and landing strips on faraway islands that led us to ultimate victory.

Seabees were instrumental in the Korean War, Vietnam War, on Diego Garcia, and in the Philippines where they were responsible for building the air station at Cubi Point. They have also played an important role in the modern-day war on terror, providing critical and tactical construction support in Iraq and Afghanistan.

When disaster strikes, Seabees are some of the first on the scene. Relief and recovery efforts include Hurricanes Camille, Andrew, George, Mitch, Katrina, Ivan, and Maria. They also provided construction support and disaster relief in the wake of the Haiti earthquake.

For the last sixty years, detachments of Seabees have also deployed to third world countries around the globe, improving the lives of people in remote areas. The Seabees comprise of men and women in both the trade ratings and the officer corps. Our motto is “WE BUILD, WE FIGHT, CAN DO“. With willing hearts and skillful hands, the difficult we do at once, the impossible takes a bit longer”.


Thank you,

Kobe Kelley


NSVA Island X-5, Cape Fear, NC